Save the day with the Mecha Builders! Sesame Street Mecha Builders, the new 3D CGI animated spin-off from the world of Sesame Street, reimagines Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Abby Cadabby as robot heroes-in-training who use their STEM superpowers to solve wacky larger-than-life challenges. By working together as a team and using their imaginations, the Mecha Builders are ready to solve even the most out-of-this-world situations! This adorable plush features Mecha Elmo as seen in the Mecha Builders series. Elmo has a futuristic robot design with shiny, bright red plating and a soft, huggable body. All facial details, including his excited open smile and orange nose, are printed and safe for little ones. Mecha Elmo also has embroidered gear details and features his hexagonal chest badge from the show. This 13-inch standing plush also features sturdy, extra-wide boots that provide stability for display in any collection.
Recommended for ages 1 and up
1 in stock
SKU: GND6070383
Categories: Gund, Imagination, Stuffed Animals
Weight | 0.5 lbs |